We assure, that only qualified personnel will be used, which is appropriate for the specific project. Beside the professional expertise, which was checked before, also the personality in terms of soft skills is of importance.
All persons, that we place, act on a freelance basis. This has the advantage, that the sponsor has to pay only temporary without the involvement of the social insurance.
Time limitation
Comparable to start and end of a clinical study also the support is temporary limited. Scope and content of the support will be defined in a contract between the sponsor and Flying Study Team. The Study Coordinators / Study Nurses can be used on a daily (8 hrs.) or half-daily (4 hrs.) basis.
We as the operator of the agency for qualified supporting staff consider ourselves being responsible to maintain and improve the high professional competence by means of continuous training.
In case of problems or for specific tasks we act as contact person for both you as a sponsor as well as for the study site. Details will be defined in the project contracts.